Movie review: ‘The Girl King’

Movie review: ‘The Girl King’

Everyone who’s enjoyed an Intro to Philosophy class has heard the tale of the queen who killed René Descartes. As the story goes, Descartes was a guy who danced to his own beat, regularly sleeping in until noon and lazily inventing different forms of geometry. Then...
‘Suffragette’ gets lost with good intentions

‘Suffragette’ gets lost with good intentions

HOLLYWOOD — The Sarah Gavin directed history piece, “Suffragette,” is slowly sneaking its way into theaters around the country. Led by the always intriguing Carey Mulligan (“Inside Llewyn Davis,” “The Great Gatsby”),...
Movie review: do we really need a 3D Peanuts movie?

Movie review: do we really need a 3D Peanuts movie?

HENNEPIN COUNTY, Minnesota — A friend of mine recently pointed out that “The Peanuts Movie” is in an impossible position.”If it stays true to the classic TV shows and holiday specials,” he said, “you’ll end up with a series of...