Welcome to All things utah film!

The one stop spot for news, reviews, and local filmmaker resources

About Utah.Film

Our goal is to keep our viewers updated on Utah film news and what is new in the film industry in general. We believe in education, production and exhibition support for all fellow movie-lovers and creators.

Joshua Terry is an award-winning film critic and photographer who has taught English composition for Weber State since 2016. He appeared on the KJZZ Movie Show from 2013-2016, and spent seven years as the weekly film critic for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City. With degrees in Mass Communication and American Studies, he has worked simultaneously in local media and academia for more than fifteen years.

Dani Hatch was in the first graduating class of Film Studies students from Weber State. She does most of her work independently, which is featured on her YouTube channel and her blog. She currently works with students, and she is passionate about collaborating with others.


Upcoming Events

Zions Indie Film Fest (ZIFF)— February 24-March 1, 2025

Utah Film Festival— January 2026

Sundance Film Festival — January 22-February 1, 2026

Zamibian drama ‘Guinea Fowl’ is not what you might expect
Zamibian drama ‘Guinea Fowl’ is not what you might expect

On Becoming a Guinea Fowl (3 stars out of 4) Made in Zambia by director Rungano Nyoni, “On Becoming a Guinea Fowl” is a compelling if deceptive exploration of culture and family dynamics. The film opens late at night as the protagonist, a young woman named Shula...